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As of June 29,2023 HWVHA Housing Choice Voucher Waiting list is closed.

All other waiting lists are open and accepting applications!!

hwvha section 8

The HWVHA Section 8 Department provides housing opportunities for families and individuals in the Huntington WV and surrounding areas. The HWVHA Section 8 department operates many different programs; Moderate Rehab, Permanent Supportive Housing, Project Based Vouchers, Family Unification Program, Mainstream, Emergency Housing Vouchers, VASH and Regular Housing Choice Vouchers.

Our Section 8 department has a total of 1757 vouchers combined with all programs.

  • Currently our Section 8 HCV waiting list is currently closed.

  • For Voucher portability please note we are currently absorbing at this time.

For information, call (304) 526-4400  today for more information.

Exterior Of Multifamily Residential Building — Huntington, West, VA — Huntington West Virginia Housing Authority

What is section 8

The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program is a federal rental assistance program that helps low-income renters pay a portion of their income for rent. 

Program participants choose their own unit to use the voucher, and pay 30% of the household’s adjusted monthly income toward rent. The rest is paid to the landlord by the Public Housing Agency (commonly called a housing authority) that manages the household’s voucher.

Overseen and funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), there are more than 2,400 HUD Public Housing Agencies nationwide that individually manage the Section 8 HCV program.

This guide details how the Section 8 HCV program works

  • Note: This program is not to be confused with the Section 8 Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program. Section 8 PBV  tenants are required to live in a specific apartment community or scattered site. After one year of occupancy, a Project-Based Voucher tenant may request to be placed on a waiting list to receive the next available Housing Choice Voucher or similar tenant-based rental assistance.


A preference does not guarantee admission to the program. Preferences are used to establish the order of placement on the waiting list. Every applicant must meet the HHA's Selection Criteria as defined in this policy.

HWVHA’s preference system will work in combination with requirements to match the characteristics for the family to the type of unit available, including units with targeted populations, and further deconcentrating of poverty in public housing. When such matching is required or permitted by current law, HWVHA will give preference to qualified families.

Families who reach the top of the waiting list will be contacted by the HWVHA to verify their preference. Once verified, HWVHA will complete a full application for occupancy. Applicants must complete the application for occupancy and continue through the application processing and may not retain their place on the waiting list if they refuse to complete their processing when contacted by the HWVHA.

Among applicants with equal preference status, the waiting list will be organized by date and time.

HWVHA has adopted the following Local Preferences:

The Huntington WV Housing authority uses date and time of the recipient of the completed application in determining the order of the following local preferences.


  • 3.Involuntary Displacement (e.g. Disaster, Government Action, Action of Housing Owner, Inaccessibility, and Property disposition); NPHOI (Non Public Housing Over Income Families reentering into Public Housing).
  • 2.Working Families where (head, spouse, co-head or sole member is employed for at least 3 months) this preference is automatically extended to elderly families or families whose head or spouse meets HUD’s definition of disability; This includes families who are graduates of or participants in educational training programs designed to prepare the individual for the job market.
  • 1.Those who are, Homeless, Victims of Domestic Violence, Living in Substandard Housing, and currently paying more than 50% of their income for rent and utilities (Rent Burden).

section 8 caseworkers


COTTON, RENEE- A,B,C,D,E,                                                  


KIBBLE, FLORIDA-PSH, Lead Tech                                          

Michelle Thacker -Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z                                    

PLYMALE, JEFF-  Special Programs                                    


                               ART. HEIGHTS, H. HIGH, H. GARDENS

ASIA ELLIS -HUD VASH                                                             

ANDERSON, ANN-MOD REHAB                                              

Rebecca  Sullivan - Applications Clerk                             


ANN ANDERSON                                                                        

Marsha Stevens                                                                          

Margie McCarley                                                                      

Rhonda Voll                                                                                  

Angela Holloway Director of Management-                 

Call (304) 526-4437 today for more information.

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